What is a Family Constellation?
Where does Family Constellations come from?
What happens in a Family Constellation?
How many sessions will I need?
Can Family Constellations help with illness?
Can I have a Family Constellation if I’m on
medication or seeing other health professionals?
Where does Family Constellations come from?
“Bert Hellinger is considered by many to be Europe’s most innovative and provocative psychotherapist. He acknowledges several important influences on his life and work: his parents, whose faith immunized him against accepting Hitler’s National Socialism; his 20 years as a priest, particularly as a missionary to the Zulu.
After leaving the priesthood, he studied psychoanalysis, and eventually developed an interest in Gestalt Therapy and Transactional Analysis. It was in Hellinger’s later training in family therapy that he first encountered Family Constellations that has become the hallmark of his therapeutic work–an approach to which he has added new levels of meaning and possibility.
Hellinger, who lives in Germany, is an immensely popular figure in Europe. His best-selling books and videos, as well as his workshops, have generated a spirited dialogue among members of the international therapy community and have propelled him to the forefront of contemporary family therapy.” – Description taken from Loves Hidden Symmetry-See book list on resources page.